Why Us ?

Support SSL/TLS

Safe and reliable

Unlimited Bandwidth

No limit for each account

Lightning fast

Our server equipped with 10Gbit connection

30 Days

Enjoy your account for 30days

No captcha

There is no captcha required


You can renew your account anytime

We offer more possibilities to meet your need.

What is SSHKIT.com ?

Sshkit is a site where you can create various ssh and vpn accounts. Among them are SSH SSL, Wireguard, V2ray. Here you can create an account for free, of course. The account you get from sshkit will last for 30 days.

Sshkit is a site where you can create various ssh and vpn accounts. Among them are SSH SSL, Wireguard, V2ray. Here you can create an account for free, of course. The account you get from sshkit will last for 30 days.

Sshkit is a site where you can create various ssh and vpn accounts. Among them are SSH SSL, SSH Websocket and V2ray. Here you can create an account for free, of course. The account you get from sshkit will last for 30 days.

The advantage you get when using our SSH account is no Logs, no bandwidth limit and no capped, what's more, your communication to the server will be encrypted and any websites will be unlocked. FREEDOM