
10Gbit Connection

Our server equipped with 10Gbit connection.

High-End Server

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30 Days

Each account valid for 30 days.

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Unlimited Bandwidth

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Check SSH account

SSH we provide 30 days of active account duration for all services available on sshkit. With a long enough duration on your account on sshkit. Of course, sometimes you forget that within 30 days, how many days have you used the SSH or other account that you created from this SSHKit.

For that this feature is in sshkit. With this check account feature, it allows you to find out the information about the account that you get through SSHKIT.

Some of the information that you can get through the check account service is the username you get when you create an account on sshkit, the hostname of the server you chose when creating your account. The time and date you created the account, and the last time and date your account will be active will end.

Why is this information important for you to know? By knowing this information you can manage your work well. If one day there is something wrong with your work when using the account you created from sshkit. You can analyze these errors through the check account service.

Maybe you choose the wrong ssh server country to help your work. And it turns out that the server is not suitable. Or it could be that your account is already in an inactive state because the validity period has expired.

By using this check account. You will find it easier to analyze things related to the account that you created in the previous SSHKIT.

How can you find out what account information you have on SSHKIT? After you enter the check account page, you can scroll further down the page. There you will find a form that you can fill in according to the account that you created earlier. After that you just press the submit button. Next, the system will provide information related to the account you entered earlier.

You can use this account check service for your needs. And of course you have to log in first to the SSHKIT site to be able to use this account check service.